Menjual Dekke Batak

Menjual Ikan Batak

Dekke batak adalah ikan yang sangat diperlukan orang-orang batak atau sangat dibutuhkan dalam acara-acara adat batak toba khususnya. Adapun acara-acara batak toba itu misalnya; acara ruma tondi kepada anak, kepada cucu, kepada orang tua, maupun sepada keluarga lainnya, acara membuang sial, acara pemberian makan terhadap anak karena sudah sukses, pemberangkatan anak ke perantauan, pemberian makan karena sudah diberikan Tuhan kesehatan, dan acara-acara besar lainnya.

Namun karena perkembangan jaman ikan ikan sangat sulit ditemukan atau di cari mungkin karena tidak dikembang biakkan, tidak bertahan hidup, perkembangannya lambat, dan penyebab lainnya sehingga bisa dikatakan sudah langkah pada jaman sekarang.

Anda yang kebingungan menemukan ini dimana. Saya dapat membantu anda untuk mencari ke inginan anda, dan harga bisa negosiasi atau harga keluarga.

Klik disini untuk menemukan kontak saya.

Kaset Yesus

Kaset Karate

Gambar Animasi

cara membuat baground blog dengan gambar

body {

background:#cccccc url( fixed repeat-y center top;

  • #cccccc bisa saudara ganti dengan kode hex warna apa saja
  • bisa saudara ganti URL gambar apa saja
  • fixed bisa saudara hapus jika ingin gambar ikut naik turun saat halaman scrolled
  • repeat-y bisa saudara ganti dengan no-repeat, jika tidak ingin ada pengulangan. Bisa juga diganti dengan repeat-x jika ingin pengulangan hanya terjadi sepanjang sumbu x saja (horizontal). Atau anda juga bisa hanya menggunakan repeat jika ingin gambar latar diulangi mendatar dan vertikal (tile mode).
  • center top bisa anda ubah menjadi left top atau right top, tergantung titik acuan awal dari gambar yang anda inginkan

);background-position:top left;background-repeat: ;

Gambar tersebut juga dapat diatur agar ketika di scroll ke bawah, gambar menjadi tetap dan tidak berubah. Syaratnya ukuran gambar harus memiliki panjang vertikal minimal 860px. Contoh : 1160 x 880, 600 x 880, 1400 x 880. Caranya tinggal kamu rubah  kata repeat-x; menjadi repeat-x top left fixed;

Begroun unik

Daftar Isi Bisnis





There are many benefits of blogs , here are some of the benefits of blogs :
1 . Exist on the Internet2 . learning to write3 . sharing postsWriting such as stories , experiences , poetry , your tips , your vent , and a variety of science you can now school or college .4 . Convey your ideas5 . Delivering your creativeCreative or creations you like to write , edit photos , edit vidio , and you other advantages . You can share and tunjukkn your work to the world .6 . promoting prodak7 . Promoting businesses8 . promoting the clubKarate club , football club , basketball club , music club , dance clubs , and so on .9 . promote community10 . promote the organization11 . Making shop on lineThe online store has many we see on the internet and most of them end up successful and have a maximum income because prospective buyers can enjoy and see your product on the internet so they are interested .12 . add to friends
And did you know that fiddling with blogs can reduce anxiety and stress . Fiddling with blogs can also increase the motivation of our lives , especially the motivation to succeed and the motivation to work .
If you create a blog or a lazy confusion tamper with . From now on do not get confused because I can help your problem .
Complete with its features and SEO articles or ads that you are in a google search engine and will definitely clicked by the bloggers .
ket :1 . Accessories such as : fanspage , hours , number of visitors , templite , interesting article title , like box , like botton , blog appeared on facebook , facebook appear on the blog , popular articles , and so forth . With the presence of these features so that google feels good blog and your articles that are finally ranked up in google search engine .2 . SEO is a blog template settings , setting the title of the article essentially tinkering with the blog so that your blog is good in the eyes of google . So the article you are in google search engine .
This means that the two should be good at brain -tweaking that google love to our blog so we climb up the rankings article . It is not enough that a good or a blog feature on bloggers in the world called gadgets then not only SEO well enough but this should indeed both in the brain -tweaking .
Price to create a blog just 50,000 bonus with the guidelines or the blog description .
Why I make 50,000 price ? . because of my experience to make other people's blogs turned comrade was always asking and asking problems through SMS blog so I also spend money to buy Toll . So I add on the price of Rp 20,000 to Rp 50,000 .
Wait no more !Book Now !And start working !
Click on my profile to start booking !
Briliant !

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